Visual Notes

A blog of visual notes shot and/or processed with a mobile phone.

Archive for the ‘i.phoneography’ tag

The ActionAid calendar sold out

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Attilio Lauria sent this email about the ActionAid Calendar that featured 12 among the 100 finalist photos of the i.Phoneography contest.

Dear Authors,

I’m very happy to inform you that the sale of the “i.Phoneography for Local Groups of ActionAid” calendars went better than we had hoped, allowing a net inflow of € 3,222.20.

[…] Local Groups decided to allocate these funds to the “South-Africa Project”

In this way, a large part of the Support Center, with its small garden and his small farm, will have your signature together with that of Italian Local Groups, and the memory of a lovely calendar.

I hope you will be proud of this as all of us.

Thanks again to all of you and all the best


Written by Marco La Civita

May 31st, 2011 at 11:31 am

ActionAid calendar

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via Attilio Lauria

12 among the 100 finalist photos of the i.Phoneography contest have been selected to produce the 2011 ActionAid calendar. “Yellow knot” got the month of August. The calendar will be printed in 1150 copies and distributed all over Italy.

Written by Marco La Civita

November 11th, 2010 at 11:23 pm

“Yellow knot” finalist in the i.Phoneography contest


Written by Marco La Civita

September 24th, 2010 at 10:14 am

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